Learn more about the life of Slovenia's largest predator, the brown bear, and his friends.
Slovenian wild animals
f you happen to visit Slovenia and you are interested in wildlife, this subalpine country has a lot to offer. Due to its diverse l...
Bear Watching in Slovenia
The brown bear (Ursus arctos in Latin) is today’s biggest European animal under the protection of many international conventio...
Who’s afraid of the big brown bear?
Although the safest way of observing this stunning creature in its natural environment is by going bear watching, let us disclose ...

Most popular world bear species
There are a lot of bear species and many subspecies that live all over the world. Fossil and historical records prove that at one ...

Bear watching around Europe
From brown bears to grizzlies and polar bears, almost all continents are populated with this majestic large wild animal. They live...