Meet the Slovenian wild brown bear in its natural habitat accompanied by a local wildlife expert, watching safely through the wide windows of a wooden lookout.
Start time
Bear watching season
From 15MAY to 15SEP
From: 199€/person
Observe the wild brown bear from a safe wooden lookout.
Your best chance to spot Slovenian bears in the wild
Take your once in a lifetime wildlife photos.
Learn about the bear’s natural habitat and daily life.
Contribute to the preservation of local wildlife.
There are plenty of bears in Slovenia
One of the bear-watching observatories
Watch these mighty animals in their natural habitat
You might even see a bear cub!
The wooden lookouts mask the smell of humans
Located in the middle of Slovenian forests
A bear might look your way too!
Accompanied by a wildlife expert.
Brown Bear
The mama bear
Bear family
Fox in Slovenian forest
Did someone sneeze?
When the season is over
Included in price
Introduction to brown bears and their natural habitat
Observe Slovenian wild brown bear in his environment
Experience bear watching from a safe lookout
Hosted by a wildlife expert
Experience the thrill of bear-watching in the pristine natural forests of Slovenia. Follow a wildlife expert deep into the forest, where you will meet Slovenia’s native brown bear through the wide windows of a safe wooden lookout – perfect for this unforgettable experience! In the wild, bears will very rarely approach humans. If they smell you, they will quickly go in the other direction – and you will never see them. That is why our lookout is smell-isolated, allowing bears to come into close viewing range. In addition to the mighty bear, you may often be able to see wild foxes, martens, deer, and badgers. Wolves were present twice during the bear-watching this season.
As you learn all about these magnificent creatures and the woods in which they live, you will also be contributing to a good cause, as some of your fees go directly toward the preservation of local wildlife.
In recent years we had a very high likelihood of seeing a Slovenian wild bear.
In our hides, we can welcome 4 to 6 guests with our guide.
For individual travelers or last minute booking please contact us.
Don't miss out
Reserve your spot before it sells out
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Fast and easy booking
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Guaranteed prices
No additional costs
Sally Ainsworth
Verified Customer
Before we drove to the hide, we had an interesting presentation on the local bears and other wildlife. They made sure that everyone had silent, no flash cameras, which we were grateful for (hides sometimes have to be shared in the high season). We were then led to the hide by our very experienced and competent guide. At first we only saw foxes (though it was also nice to see their natural behaviours), but our patience was rewarded. We saw 4 juvenile bears in total, which was an unforgettable experience. I highly recommend bringing a good quality pair of binoculars, as you can see quite far from the hide. We had to leave whilst the bears were still out as it was getting dark, but our guide made sure this was done in a calm and safe manner. Definitely recommend!
sti wo
Verified Customer
8 Bären in 2 Stunden.
Ein unbeschreibliches Erlebnis. Einführung im Info Center sehr informativ, unser Guide sprach leider kein Englisch, daher der Ansitz sehr kommunikationsarm.
Angelo Raaijmakers
Verified Customer
We went into the forest with a guide, and waited in a hut for two hours. It was quiet, and you could only listen to the woods and observe the animals. After an hour, two little foxes were playing in front of us. And after some time, a beautiful bear came to eat. It was a truly wonderful experience, that felt like a meditation. I totally recommend this trip.
Verified Customer
A well organized tour with lots of interesting information on 🐻 a perfect fit for anyone who seeks true adventures and fun
Oliver S
Verified Customer
Top Erlebnis, sehr zu empfehlen. Konnten zwei Bären aus nächster Nähe in wunderschöner Landschaft beobachten. Sehr gut organisiert .
Verified Customer
A very well informed and eco friendly excursion. We were enthusiastically met at the meeting point where we learned about the bears and how to behave during our adventure. We drove into the woods and walked for about 10 minutes with our super calm guide to the hide where there was a mumma bear with her two cubs already! In total we saw 7 bears, 1 fox and a few eagles. It was genuinely fantastic.
Our guide then led us back to our cars before it got too dark (you are definitely in bear country!!) He was super informative and passionate about bears and knew the individual bears that we saw.
Per J
Verified Customer
Amazing experience with a fantastic guide.
We went out i heavy rain, but we still saw 1 female bear, with 2 cubs just in front of the hut.
They were standing there when arrived.
We also saw, 1 extra bear (far out) 2 badges and 1 fox.
Our guide was nice and calm, and really informative during the whole tour.
He told us all the work, that they a doing to secure the bears, and helping the locals to live with the bears.
Verified Customer
It was a great experience for us. We saw a total of 7 bears. 2 mothers with little ones. Big compliment to the guide! He was very relaxed and made us feel safe. He also had a lot of knowledge. Highly recommended!
Verified Customer
WOW, EXPERIENCE OF A LIFETIME! Spoilers ahead so read no further if you don’t want to ruin your visit!
Everything about this tour was so professional. The website is really easy to use and sets out clear expectations. I’ve done a lot of research on brown bear watching in Europe (Estonia, Romania etc) and this is the most well organised and well priced one I’ve found. Trust me!
Communication from the team was faultless, multiple email reminders, easy email contact, and clear instructions.
The meeting point in Loz is very handy, just over an hour from Bled. And of course it’s some way away - bears are very shy and like to live in remote areas!
I really recommend bear watching in Slovenia as it is done ethically and by professionals. Slovenes care deeply about protecting nature and biodiversity. In the tour, we first received a very interesting and knowledgeable guide of brown bears in Slovenia. Lots of unique cultural context that cannot easily be found online - the team are the real deal and have over 14 years experience
this was very clear when we entered the forest, the anticipation was rising! Driving deep into the forest was so thrilling, where we came upon the wildlife hide. From there, it was very comfortable to
Relax, enjoy the forest, and wait….
We were very lucky that even though in July temperatures, of mid-30 degrees Celsius it’s very hot for the bears - just after 8pm the bears arrived. Be patient!
Seeing the bears is a dream come true, I cannot explain how special it is. They are just beautiful. But they are very, very shy - do not wear perfume for your visit because they will smell you and run away.
I am confused by the reviews complaining about language barrier. As I stated, English communication was perfect with the team, and you should not speak in the forest as the bears will be disturbed. We managed to communicate great, thank you Janis.
My photos aren’t amazing as I have some on my SD card of my camera- these are just from an iPhone! But they can never truly capture the magic of seeing brown bears in real life. Do not miss this opportunity of a LIFETIME!
Jeroen Van Gestel
Verified Customer
One thing very high on our ‘to see’ list during the roadtrip through Slovenia were bears.
We didn’t expect they would cross our path and were too scared to run into them in the woods. So we decided to go for this excursion. Which we didn’t regret at all!
We had a warm welcome at the meeting point. Had an excellent guide who, after 1,5 hour, spoke the magic words: “Meet bear”.
It was very much worth the money as well as the waiting.
It might seem a little scary to go into the forest but at the end is was very safe.
Greetings from Holland Jeroen and Annie
Verified Customer
One thing very high on our ‘to see’ list during the roadtrip through Slovenia were bears.
We didn’t expect they would cross our path and were too scared to run into them in the woods. So we decided to go for this excursion. Which we didn’t regret at all!
We had a warm welcome at the meeting point. Had an excellent guide who, after 1,5 hour, spoke the magic words: “Meet bear”.
It was very much worth the money as well as the waiting. We saw 3 bears in total!
John van Adrichem
Verified Customer
A really great experience!! We went near Postonja together with guide Ervin who knew obviously a lot about bears and wildlife in general. Respectfull way to watch a bear in the wild
Isa Teixeira
Verified Customer
Expérience Incroyable et Inoubliable à vivre au moins une fois dans sa vie. Nous avons eux la chance de voir une maman et ses 3 oursons au bout de 20 min sur place et pendant 1h30. Juste avant la venue des ours un renard nous a fait le plaisir de nous rendre visite. Roman notre guide est adorable et la dame de l'accueil aussi, elle nous a donné des informations sur les ours et notre sortie.
Encore mille merci Roman de nous avoir permis de vivre ce moment magique.
Jennifer S
Verified Customer
We saw 2 bears within one hour, they were even visible together for some time. We also saw 2 foxes. The guide was very friendly and clearly a local, as we weren’t able to communicate much with him in English or German. Before we left for the bear watching post, we were given a short presentation on brown bears at the tourist office, which was very interesting and helpful. We did not feel in danger at any point when we were heading to or from the bear watching post, even though we did see a mother bear when we were on the ground. The bears come to that exact spot because food is put there for them, which increases the likelihood of seeing the bears. In our case it was just the two of us and the guide at the bear watching post, which was wonderful. The guide drove carefully throughout the approx. 30mins drive from the meeting point to the watch post. We were supplied with 2 binoculars, which was very helpful. I would recommend to bring a camera with a zoom lens, because the bears will be too far away from the watch post (min. 50m) for phone cameras or 85mm lenses.
emmi r
Verified Customer
Wat een ervaring, in een klein hokje superstil wachten of er een beer komt. De eerste uren gebeurde er niks, het duurt een tijd voordat de mensengeuren helemaal weg zijn. Maar uiteindelijk werd het wachten dik en dubbel beloond. We zagen een grote beer vanachter de struiken te voorschijn komen, een hele tijd hebben we hem kunnen bewonderen, hij kwam heel dichtbij. Heel gaaf om dit in een Europees land, eigenlijk zo dichtbij Nederland, mee te maken. Voor kinderen vanaf een jaar of 10 prima te doen.
Maya W
Verified Customer
We weren’t sure that we were going to see anything because we went so late into the year and other companies were turning us down but we did. We saw them in mid October and it was incredible. We really liked the guy and the bears were beautiful.
Definitely recommend this guy over the other ones we considered.
Una Fleming
Verified Customer
A unique chance to go out into natural forest which could not have been done without our guide Janis (John). It was really important to learn about the Slovenian bears and meeting them as part of our tour was a privilege. Cannot recommend highly enough.
Jeronimus van Oevelen
Verified Customer
I was so lucky to see 4 different bears and a fox. The friendly guide gave lots of interesting information, including a nice restaurant in the village nearby where I enjoyed a delicious deer goulash with cheese. Very nice wildlife experience all together.
Verified Customer
Ein besonderes Erlebnis die Bären in der Wildnis zu sehen. Wir hatten das Glück 7 Bären zu sehen.
Verified Customer
This tour was just perfect. We started in Loz drove 15 min into the forest and had to hike for roundabout 10 min to the hide, which was really comfortable with nice seats, windows and a pillow to put your camera lens. We waited nearly 2 hours to see the first bear, and after 10 min there was a second one, which scared away the first.
Rain was pouring the whole day, but the bears were there nevertheless.
We had a really great guide who kept an eye on our safety and answered all our questions. This tour is worth every penny!
Matteo Piani
Verified Customer
Roman best renger ever! Thanks for everything! I sow mama bear with 3child. One of the greatest and amazing experience of my life! Raccommended
Andreia Rocha
Verified Customer
It was an amazing experience! We like a lot of the initial briefing!
Alexandra Pinon
Verified Customer
On nous indique une probabilité de voir des ours de 90% et si on n'en voit pas on a la possibilité de revenir pour 50% du prix.
Attention de réserver suffisamment à l'avance (en plein été 1 à 2 semaines avant).
Nous avons vu des ours très rapidement après 15 minutes dans la petite maison et aussi des renards et une biche.
On peut prendre des photos même si on ne réserve pas la maison dédiée pour les photos (l'expérience photo est plus longue, plus chère mais permet d'être à la hauteur de l'ours). Si ce n'est pas pour de la photo pro, les photo que l'on prend depuis la cabane sont largement satisfaisantes car même si on est un peu surélevé les ours sont à une distance qui convient.
Il faut un objectif au minimum 200 MM pour prendre des photos. Moi j'avais un 70-200 sur un apsc avec un doubleur (donc équivalent full frame 210-600) et c'était parfait.
La meilleure heure pour voir les ours est juste avant la tombée de la nuit donc les horaires varient en fonction du coucher du soleil. Bien sûr pour les photos il est préférable que les ours viennent en début de séance mais on ne peut pas prévoir.
Je recommande vraiment. C'est très différent de voir un ours sauvage et un ours au zoo !!
Monroe 47
Verified Customer
After having a longer waiting time due to the fact, we booked a private Tour, we entered a very nice hide in the woods. The bait was well prepared and after a while we were able to see not one but three bears and a cheeky fox :). A pretty nice experience. Highly recommended.
Verified Customer
Bellissimo e fantastico! Se siete amanti degli animali selvatici e in generale nella natura dovete fare anche quest’esperienza - vedere gli orsi Sloveni. Lo raccomando!
Verified Customer
Bellissimo e fantastico! Se siete amanti degli animali selvatici nella natura dovete fare anche quest’esperienza - vedere gli orsi Sloveni. Lo raccomandiamo!
Luca B
Verified Customer
Raccomandiamo a tutti l’osservazione degli orsi in Slovenia. Ci è piaciuta la natura e l’organizzazione. La location è bellissima, immersa nel verde e il rifugio dove si svolge l’osservazione è accogliente e sicura. Non pensate però che vedrete subito gli orsi. Noi dovevamo aspettarci per più di un ora e alla fine è arrivata la mamma con il suo cucciolo bellissimo. Il bello è che la guida ci ha spiegato tutto, come ci dobbiamo comportare, che cosa fare e non fare ecc. Insomma, tutto alla grande! Andateci!
Verified Customer
There are so many things to do in Slovenia, you can’t even think of. We wanted to see something special and different so we went bear watching. A beautiful experience we will remember forever. Perfect organization, great guide. Everything went as described and planned. If you want to step into something different I would recommend to go here with these guys.
Verified Customer
There are so many things to do in Slovenia, you can’t even think of. We wanted to see something special and different so we went bear watching. A beautiful experience we will remember forever. Perfect organization, great guide. Everything went as described and planned. If you want to step into something different I would recommend to go here with these guys.
Penny Mars
Verified Customer
The agency was very flexible and kind. The guide was great, english spoken and funny. He showed us around and told us a lot about history of Slovenian bears and country. Great work and special thanks to the agency back office.
Verified Customer
Se avete tanta pazienza andate a vedere gli orsi sloveni. Abbiamo aspettato un bel po’ e quasi perso la speranza. Il gruppo prima di noi li ha visti subito e due volte. Dipende dal timing. Nonostante tutto, è stato bellissimo, la guida preparatissima e professionale, la natura stupenda. Andateci!
Alberto Bs
Verified Customer
Tutto molto bello, orsi pazzeschi!
Se avete tanta pazienza andateci a vedere gli orsi sloveni. Abbiamo aspettato un bel po’ e quasi perso la speranza. Il gruppo prima di noi li ha visti subito e due volte. Dipende dal timing. Nonostante tutto, è stato bellissimo, la guida preparatissima e professionale, la natura stupenda. Andateci!
Verified Customer
È stato molto bello e interessante. Abbiamo veramente guardato gli orsi! Ottima guida, posto bellissimo. Tenete presente che non dovete portarci il vostro cane. Nel nostro caso, mio ragazzo doveva rimanere con il nostro cagnolino fuori dal bosco. Comunque lo raccomando a tutti.
Matteo Cantarella
Verified Customer
È stato molto bello e interessante. Abbiamo veramente guardato gli orsi! Ottima guida, posto bellissimo. Tenete presente che non dovete portarci il vostro cane. Nel nostro caso, mio ragazzo doveva rimanere con il nostro cagnolino fuori dal bosco. Comunque lo raccomando a tutti.
Verified Customer
My girlfriend took me there by surprise. I didn’t know what was happening until we arrived to the hunters’ shelter. Super wonderful nature experience. The weather was fine, the temperature not too hot. The only thing to recommend, eat before you go there and don’t bring any food - it’s forbidden to eat in the cabin, so I wasn’t allowed to eat the snacks I brought. :-) However, do it, you will have a great time!
Claudio Stanghellini
Verified Customer
My girlfriend took me there by surprise. I didn’t know what was happening until we arrived to the hunters’ shelter. Super wonderful nature experience. The weather was fine, the temperature not too hot. The only thing to recommend, eat before you go there and don’t bring any food - it’s forbidden to eat in the cabin, so I wasn’t allowed to eat the snacks I brought. :-) However, do it, you will have a great time!
Verified Customer
I went to Slovenia also to see bears in the nature. They are very known for those animals since they are exporting them also to other European countries. The trip was good, the place was safe and suitable also for bigger groups. If you happen to go to Slovenia, don't miss it!
todd weinberger
Verified Customer
Crazy day! A nice short walk through the woods and there we were at the cozy hunters’ shelter to start our new experience. We waited quite a while but then a bear appear every minute was worth it. It was crazy... right in front of us. Whatever those guys are doing taking care of the bears... it works! :)
Sophie Barnekow
Verified Customer
We didn’t know what to expect at first, but then we parked the car and the guide took us through the woods (not more than 10 minutes walk) to the wooden cabin. It was a bit boring because we had to wait two hours in silence for the bear to show up. But then he came!!! What a powerful animal. He roared quite loudly and we froze a bit. What a thrill. Thanks to the organizers.
todd Weinberger
Verified Customer
A nice short walk through the woods and there we were at the cozy hunters’ shelter to start our new experience. We waited quite a while but then a bear appear every minute was worth it. It was crazy... right in front of us. Whatever those guys are doing taking care of the bears... it works! :)
Verified Customer
It’s always good to experience something different when traveling. We were based in Ljubljana for a week and were doing daily trips around. Bear watching was a great choice and I recommend it to everyone who enjoys the wild !!
Verified Customer
We didn’t know what to expect at first, but then we parked the car and the guide took us through the woods (not more than 10 minutes walk) to the wooden cabin. It was a bit boring because we had to wait two hours in silence for the bear to show up. But then he came!!! What a powerful animal. He roared quite loudly and we froze a bit. What a thrill. Thanks to the organizers.
Alex G
Verified Customer
We contacted Bear watching Slovenia and they guided us to the bear watching cabin where they tell us a lot about local wildlife. We had to wait a bit to see two bears coming and it was veeeery exciting! We loved it!
Expert Local Guides
Our professional guides know the local terrain and are trained to make this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity both safe and enjoyable.
Highest Probability to See a Bear
We give you the highest chance in Slovenia to spot a bear — 96% in recent years!
Trusted by Many
We are a financially protected company operating since 2014, and with thousands of satisfied customers in the past, we still put you first.
100% Made in Slovenia
Based in Slovenia, we are working closely with local suppliers to provide you with a unique experience at the best possible price.